Portuguese Steyr Model 1886 Guedes (Kropatschek) Bayonet & Scabbard

This is a nice 1886 Guedes bayonet, often referred to as the Kropatschek bayonet & is based on the Austrian M1873 bayonet. The bayonets were originally intended for the Guedes-Castro rifle but when Portugal decided to adopt the 8mm Kropatschek bolt action rifle, the bayonet was used instead of the new rifle (see page 242 and 243 plate 545 of the Bayonet Book by Watts & White). The clean fullered blade is 18 ½” length and measures 23 ½” overall. There is a small Steyr inspection mark on the blade (illustrated) and The spine of the blade is signed Steyr 1886. The cross guard has the correct muzzle ring. Its slab wood grips are secure and undamaged. The steel pommel has the correct bayonet release button which functions correctly. The steel scabbard has no dents and has a frog bar at the throat & ball end tip. The scabbard retains much of its original black paint. BAYO 601

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